I went to put some laundry in the wash, and I came back to this...
Looking cool in his fedora.

Stretching out in the bathtub

Playing in his toy box at Yaya's house

Who you looking at?
Playing in his bouncy seat

So happy to be going shopping!
Sitting in the chair

He was studying.
He wanted to drive.
I just thought these were cute.
Trying a biter biscuit. First he stuck it in his ear. Then up his nose.
Then he figured out it was food. Then he gnawed off a big chunk of it in his mouth.
Maybe we'll wait awhile before we try them again.
In his first swimming pool.
He kept grabbing the water hose while Uncle Justin was trying to fill 'er up.
Sitting in his high chair, patiently waiting for Mommy to fix his food.
He looks so big :(
After dinner. He had fun lol.
Chillin in bed, up WAY too late.