Saturday, December 31, 2011

You may want to turn your volume down a little.

This is a video of Ryker playing at ZsaZsa's house in early November I need to learn to be a little quieter when taking video haha--I forget how close I am to the speaker :S pictures!!!

This was Ryker playing at ZsaZsa's house around Thanksgiving.

We have no idea where he got this, but here's Ryker choking Daddy....boys.

While playing in his room one night, this is how he came out lol. Apparently he used a toy golf club to knock down his hats and ties off the rack they were hanging on. I'm impressed that he was able to choose matching accessories haha.

He was taking his tie off, but it looks like he's posing.

Our Christmas tree!  This is actually the first tree I've had since I moved out of my parents' house, so I was really excited that it turned out so well.

Putting on his pjs.

Being goofy in big boy underwear and mommy's shoes. Boo!

Opening Christmas presents with Aunt Ashley. He had so much fun opening presents this year, it was so much fun to watch!

Checking out his new toy.

He loves it!

Trampoline he got from Aunt Ashley and Uncle Justin. Best. Present. EVER.

He seriously loves this thing. And I'm seriously glad it only had to be assembled once. (Reagen was working, and I couldn't wait for him to get home to put it together lol. Luckily Ashley came to help me, then Justin came down to help us. Assembling toys is really a Daddy job.)

Playing with his hats again. With ketchup on his face. And sticking his gut out as far as he can lol. He makes me so proud :)

Ryker was not too cooperative with picture taking this year. This is one of the many excuses I have for not sending out cards this year.

He just can't be still!

Cheesin' for the camera.

Can't go anywhere without his puppy :)

Nerd pose. I absolutely love this picture haha.

Playing in the back yard. We're working on potty training, so he's pants-less lol.

Uncle Justin's birthday party (in early November).

He was being awfully adorable this day <3  This is with his 'cousin' Ethan. They just love each other.

With Aunt Ashley.

With his JuJu.

Friday, December 30, 2011

My poor, neglected blog

I've spent 2 hours at the computer, and for some reason, this is the only picture that I've been able to get up.  Hmm.....  I have a BUNCH of pictures to add, so I guess I'll try again tomorrow. Anyway, this adorable picture is from the end of October. He was very excited to be at the park, and thought it was so cool that he could put both hands in his hoodie pocket lol.

Friday, October 7, 2011

I have no idea why it's posting some of my pictures sideways.....sorry!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Phone pictures

Ok, I FINALLY figured out how to post pictures from my phone without transferring them to my computer first. Needless to say, I will be updating much more often now :)  Here's some pics from the last couple months.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

18 month check-up

On August 8, Ryker had his 18 month check up at the doctor's office (it was only a couple days early lol).  He was 33 inches tall, and weighed 32.4 pounds.  He's getting so big! 

Here are some funny videos I made while we were waiting in the room.  The one where he's sitting in the chair, and starts looking off to the side saying "mo" (more), he saw the suckers sitting on the counter haha.

***Sorry all the videos are sideways....I have no idea how to fix that :(

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pictures off my phone

These are all from this month.  This is the first post I'm doing on my phone, and I'm not sure how to comment on each picture yet.  These are all from this month though.....enjoy!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

4.12.11  Sitting in a booster seat

4.16.11  Passed out in the car

4.21.11  It took him about 5 whole minutes to get in my purse the way he wanted.  But as soon as he saw the camera, he was outta there.

4.21.11  Man, he's good looking!

4.21.11  Oh, my little daredevil.  I'm not sure how he got up there, but he was dancing and so proud of himself.  I'm in trouble.

4.13.11  He was driving me nuts, so we went to walk around the mall.  He loves looking at people and getting attention.  I walked around for 80 minutes until he fell asleep.  He wouldn't lay his head back, and kept trying to sleep sitting up. 

Cowboy Ryker

4.20.11  I was trying to brush my teeth, and Ryker had to look at himself in the mirror.  Then he decided to make himself comfortable.  Yep, he's in the sink wearing nothing but the pair of shoes he wanted to sleep in.  What a little weirdo lol.

Apparently he thought my objection was to him playing with the finger nail polish bottle.  He's trying to give it to me.

It's hard to be annoyed with someone so cute :)

4.21.11  Daredevil again.  Pushed the stroller close to the light switch, then climbed up to try to flip the switches.  Crazy boy!

4.22.11  Sitting in his lawn chair, in the living room, playing with his laptop.

He loves to wear shoes.

4.22.11 He found those sunglasses in my purse, and every time I would put them on him, he'd push them up on his head like that.