Sunday, March 6, 2011

Yep, that's my daredevil standing on the nightstand.  And so proud of himself!

Fell asleep on his pillow pet.  Seriously, could he be anymore cute? February!

My poor baby has had his first sunburn already :(  In February....that's pretty ridiculous, huh?
After a couple days of staying in the house, it went away.  It didn't seem to bother him, but it bothered me lol.
You can't really see it well in these pictures, but he was RED.

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Ryker is doing now.

On Wednesday, Ryker got his first haircut from Aunt Ashley.  He was not very cooperative, but he didn't cry.

He can go up stairs and hills now.  He can go downhill too, but he's not so good with going down stairs.

He understands--and can say very well--no.  And when he's doing something he's not supposed to do, he'll say, "No no no!"  shake his head no, then do it anyway.  Sometimes he does this before he does what he's not supposed to.  What am I gonna do with this kid?

Ryker also loves to jump onto pillow when he's on my bed.  And the other night, he started crawling up on the night stand, and just standing there, proud and smiling.  Tonight he hopped from on top of the night stand onto a pillow on the bed.

As you can imagine, I'm a very tired Mommy lol.